Wednesday 13 January 2010

cord blood stem cell research

Umbilical Cord Blood: The Future of Stem Cell Research?
6 Apr 2006. Scientists have found that umbilical cord blood may be a new source of organ- growing stem cells. But experts disagree about the future of.

Cord blood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cord blood is collected because it contains stem cells, including hematopoietic cells, which can be used to treat hematopoietic and genetic disorders..

Stem cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A great deal of adult stem cell research has focused on clarifying their capacity. 1978 - Haematopoietic stem cells are discovered in human cord blood..

Cord Blood Stem Cell Banking - FAQs About Cord Blood, Stem Cells .
FAQs by expecting parents about cord blood, stem cells, stem cell. In comparison to embryonic stem cells, cord blood cells are proven safe in the human.

Cord Blood Registry® (CBR) - The Name to Trust in Cord Blood Banking
By banking your baby's cord blood stem cells you could benefit from. Cord Blood Banking Research FAQs Cord Blood Reverses Cerebral Palsy in Colorado Girl.